Friday, November 28, 2008

dog show

hey keith i'm up in north carolina and just finished watching the Purina Pro Dog Show on NBC. I was really proud to see Noodles the bassett hound walk/waddle away with the gold in the Hounds category. It literally could not open its eyes. Noodles...What a great representative for our bassett friends. I'll see you guys in Orlando when I get off of this mountain.

more Fun Boots! shirts coming soon! Who wants one???

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

kirby+spybar=silly times

bassets still annoy the hell out of me. there is a new 21 yr old in orlando and he goes by the name of dan, he might be the future mayor of the city beautiful. in other news robert amis brazell is in orlando this week to spend time with a tall ginger and his family. hes been shredding the school books and the local college bars up at the world renowned tallahassee community college. keaton bowlby is blowin up after his trick of the week on alliance, but hes still keepin it humble and on what he claims to be "the longest drive ever" to socal. hey keaton your drive to orlando in the spring is gonna whoop you. i can see my class starting i gotta go.

Monday, November 24, 2008

i woke up today.

...and there was a basset and a brown dev in my face. Just got home from playing some bluegrass tunes with a few friends on Clear Lake, that bluegrass is coming back strong you know. In other non-Fun Boots! related news, TJ still doesn't wakeskate, I miss Austin, and we are just one holiday away from a sweater party.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

new blog

there is a new hot blog on the interweb!!! andrew pastura the great has decided embark on the this particular journey. watermonsters! and go.

shameless self promotion

i've realized that all we do is glorify ourselves and our video, meanwhile Obscura is supporting local politics and congratulating their friends. Dan, I hope you really brought it home the best way possible for the big two-one. Aaron (Tex), i miss the shit out of you. Bear, stay classy. Kyle, congrats on standout blogger award. we are now going to go officially one week on here withOUT talking about the video...k ready go

PS. Ice skating. tonight. wetsuits?


Thursday, November 20, 2008

hey look!

did you see keaton's heelflip on it was really good. not sure why it had our logo all over it though, i havent seen keaton in like 2 years. sad sad. KEaton remember that last time we hung out? man, that was great. in other news, tell UCF to stop making me want to kill myself.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


still filmin

andy shredded

tj shredded

dan got rider of the year

got a few tapes today from dave that are gonna put me in front of my computer for a few days straight.

every time i watch thats it thats all it makes me not want to pick up a camera because i know i could never do that

trav wont stop texting me

grubbs house is sweet

Thursday, November 13, 2008

bassets stand for failure

hangovers suck.

adam e. can party harder then you.

t flats is a bad replacement of deli planet but it is a replacement.

thats it, thats all is just plain retarded.

bens part does look like it came out of a skate video

trav is a bitch

the people who made wakeskis still dont understand

fun boots! is coming together

look out for gold and silver raleys

off to edit


school school school...the hell with it, i have a video to be making!! (just kidding mom and dad). Would it be cool if we put something up here everyday? Even if it was just really crummy? I want to start putting videos and pictures up and stuff...yeah that'd be cool.

Matt Costa tonight, get you some.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

getting textual

just got this text from Lanty:

"Dude bens part is looking like it came out of a skate movie."

in other news, this is our 60th post on this blog. i guess thats not really much to celebrate besides that it's a decibel of ten.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bassets stand for glory

Well it's been some good days at Lake Irma chillin "made in the shade" style, going through a grocery bag of 17 tapes that keith gave me. Luckily a lot of them just have about ten minutes of footage on em and that's it. bangerz. So I'm almost done going through all the tapes and then it's time to make some parts happen. Wow. Keith I am getting the same calls from Trav too, I'm sure I could take one for the team and go down there for a day or two, B-Town is always a pleasure.

...alright just got off the phone with Trav, well looks like I'm headin there tomorrow after school. Keith this ruins all our credibility on, we can't be seen as flakes on the blog board!!! it's okay, i'm sure the bangers will make up for it.

I feel as though it is a pure cruel twist of fate that should keep you from spreading your wings and soaring to that Lionel concert, kL, I'm sure they could have used some crowd surfing! We need to get together and have a glory run at the cable park once we finish this vid, buddy. talk to ya then.

941 here I come.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


i got a shit ton of it and more keeps coming. keaton overnighted me a tape labeled "time to dance <3>
trav and tom are living the good life down in the941 hangin out with nicholas vail taylor quite a bit now. even though the cameras are off, im still gettin calls every day with trav screaming into the phone " w-i-l-d m-a-n guess what went down in the rail park today.......i was blindfolded the whole time."  hopefully we can get one last film set down there before we get done editing so we can get those bangers in........ dave i think you need to go down there for a couple days. 

i wakeskated today it was fun. 

editing update

well i dont know if anyone knows this but we are nearing the end of an epic journey called fun boots! its wild but the good news is we are still having a blast. i just got bens song today for his part and it is awesome, im so excited to do his part and thanks to dave he saved me days of cutting down footage and did it himself...... what a classy gentleman. i hope everyone doesn't think nicky t's part is gonna be an average "look we get to film nick taylor" part. oh and all i can say is stu shreds. (just a heads up those are the parts im editing ben, nick, stu, im also doing the intro). in other news andy wont stop doing tricks that haven't ever been done before. i think he gets bored with all those other ones. 

pool decks own all.

lionel richie played at the convention center tonight in orlando for a realtors convention and i wanted to go really bad. but for some reason everyone that i told that i wanted to go thought i was gay for wanting to go see nicole richies dad perform in front of 15000 people, but in all honesty who wouldnt want to go see that. for those who care i asked some one that went and they told me that he did sing all night long and that was his ender ender. 


Monday, November 3, 2008

Fun Boots! hits Narcoossee and WRAPS UP

Well well well, who would have thought there would ever be in an end to the epic saga of infiniteness known as Bun Foots!? But that was the plan, like "Hey maybe we should like, STOP filming someday? Bro?" When we sat to think about it, it became pretty clear that Esoteric was pretty much only done because of Narcoossee and Lake Whippoorwill, my home land and the place nearest to my heart, where bassetts play and fields sway in the wind behind pool gaps of stolen lumber.

Starting the middle of last week I made my station in Narc to begin readying things for whatever our cast of superstars would want to shred: rails, pool gaps, boat, jetski, winch, cable, wait no cable, etc. Ben was still around from the Jax trip so him and Drew and I put together a little flatrail in front of my dock, but unfortunately the Great Wind From the North came down upon us the next morning and left the rail pretty unhittable and pretty undesirable. Darn. Ben headed back to Jax for some Halloween fun but Drew was still around and was joined soon by Nicky T who came up Wednesday night.

Thursday we got done with the rest of the construction of the pool gap and began getting some tricks banged out on Friday and the rest of the weekend. It was sad not having the rest of the cast here: Hooker out with an injured ankle still (but he is coming back strong now!), Travis feeling under the weather, Stu... who knows, and clint in texas. We felt them here in spirit though, that is for sure. Especially Trav <3

Tyler MANgus gave us a great little visit Saturday morning and put down some bangers on the pool before heading back home that night. What a TRUEper. Welcome to the grannie gap Tyler. Andrew threw down as always, lovin the gap out of the pool and LOVIN his body varials....on the rail!!!! pretty mind blowing, i know. Speaking of which, have you ever seen Nick do any lock in tricks? Neither have I, until this weekend. Well he picked that up pretty quick and didn't set it down til he had sufficiently conquered that ledge with every form of legit grind he could think of.

The weekend was up, but we decided to go for one more day today (Monday) to get some last minute footage on the lake. It was a completely memorable feeling in a completely ordinary day back home to recognize what has past and look to the promising future of putting this bad boy together onto a skinny little silver disc.

There you have it: Monday, November 3, 2008. Fun Boots! filming is complete.

See you guys at the premier.


to keith

Dear Keith,

I was just reading the Obscura Blog, which I am absolutely going to start reading more because it is amazing, and I really like how those guys pretty much converse with each other throughout the blog. It's like they are talking to us WHILE talking to each other. Really beautiful. We should start doing the same thing I think. It seems a little pointless because we don't live across the nation from each other, but still it's worth a shot. I wish I could just jump into that Obscura Blog and we could transform it into a big floaty chatroom that we could all jump around in like little kids at a party before the pinata is broken. I feel like I actually know those guys now, it's as if they are blogging just for me (tear falling down cheek).
