Thursday, July 31, 2008

what's been goin' on

woo wa wee wa

well keith and i settling back in at home in orlando but have been pretty stacked with work and other random stuff to get any filming done lately. HOWEVER, that is ALL about to change. We got some big plans ahead. I am planning a trip to Bradenton that looks like it will be happening tomorrow morning and lasting for a couple days, consisting mostly entirely of filming the crap out of Stuart Shinn, Travis Doran, and Nick Taylor. Crunch time is nearly upon us and it's about to get pretty intense. I know these kids have some bangers that have yet to be documented, and I think i might just take it upon myself to be the first to do so.

Aside from that there is some more news on everyone:
Matt Hooker is preparing to make the long drive back from New York starting next week, and that dude wants to film. So get ready for that wild man to put on his dancing shoes and make some magic.
Andrew Pastura is straight CHILLIN' up in the Buckeye State, no doubt learning new tricks constantly and watching his little bro Austin grow up into a shredding machine. Watch out for some footy of that little grom in Fun Boots!
Just talked to Reed a little bit on the phone, he's got some cool ideas to wants us to come shoot. Nice.

Anyway, I got a good feeling i'm going to get pretty stressed out these next couple months, but an empty wallet and a weekly school schedule are just simply going to have to be overcome by the powers of Fun Boots! Do it for Fun Boots!!!!!!


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