Thursday, April 9, 2009

photo contest/giveaway

I have been hearing rumors of people actually finally getting their hands on Fun Boots!, and it is music to my ears. The ironic thing is I haven't even seen what the final product looks like, all packaged up in a bright shiny dvd case with plastic wrapping it up tightly... my child. Anyway, they are now available in some shops and pretty soon will be all over. If your local shop doenst carry it then ask for it! they can order it through Sidewayz really easy, and even get a little deal if they order a dozen or more.

Head on over to AllianceWakeskate to check out the new photo contest going on where you can enter to win a free copy of Fun Boots! The rules are pretty simple: take a photo that you think represents and embodies Fun Boots! the best. Take any approach you want. Send the low res copies to But don't worry, Keith and I are doing the judging and we are excited to see what you creative wakeskate types will come up, so happy shooting! There will be one winner a week for the next 4 weeks.


1 comment:

Patrick Wieland said...

boots + fun = funboots = my picture