Monday, May 4, 2009


Well KL and I and my new friend Jonna just had a great time down on the old filming locale and Scene One's favorite vacation spot, Anna Maria Island. It's pretty clear by now that the only reason Nick, Stu, Trav and anyone else from the 941 is even in the video is just because we like their hometown so much... ok that's a lie, it's cuz they are so amazing at wakeskating. but it works out nice.

anyway Jonna was nice enough to let us stay at her house and drive her electric smart car all over the island like true tourists. the GEM for life - we're really going green. so why would anybody care about this? probably no reason, but thanks to fun boots! we were able to make another excuse to celebrate.

Go listen to "One More Time" by Daft Punk, really puts things in perspective.



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