Wednesday, October 8, 2008


i got spanish on the mind... would it be rad if our whole video was in spanish? If we have any fluent readers on here, please go to our myspace ( and leave us a comment on there with the translation for "Fun Boots!" into spanish. I already know it's going to have 2 exclamation marks, including one upside down, and that gets me pretty excited. Why doesn't english do that?

well here we are in the midst of the month of october and the shredding is upon us. Hooker got broken off at dr. philips so him and i are recovering nicely with each other, we should be back in about another month or two. But Andy P is still raging around town shutting down winch spots left and right. This is planning on being our last month of filming, so it's likely some good stuff is going to go down. Wow, just thinking i may see the end to Fun Boots! one day is nearly unthinkable...

Keep in touch

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