Thursday, July 24, 2008

"You've just been brostocked!"

that was the saying for events such as this:


KL was in the prime of his life this last week or so up in the beautiful state of Virginia, US of A. There's not too much more I could say about it that keef didn't already relay below this, but pretty much YES, it was a great time and smith Mountain Lake is seriously epic. Chances are, if you live in Virginia you are the shiznit, cuz there are some damn cool people up there. Thanks so much to everyone for their hospitality and friendships. You really know how to show some people a good time.

Filming-wise up in VA it went a little differently than we had planned. Stu ended up not making it (for reasons still unknown to me), and Andy got real sick and couldn't make the drive. So we weren't hanging with too many wakeskaters filming for us, but we did get to witness Danny Hampson a little more-than-tipsy go shred the crap out of 3 boat passes right in front of the houseboats for a little LF SST demo. All i gotta say is 3 passes and this wild man went HS late frontbig, switch late front shuv, to front 3 all in a row, then turned around and did the BEST late front 3 shove known to man! First try! Pretty much danny is my hero. There was lots of "chillin" and "gellin" goin' on, lots of swimming, taking in the glory of SML, smuggling some broomsticks, driving our Priuses, wakesurfing, super 8 filming, and more photo glory. There were some pretty cool dogs up there too but no one probably wants to hear about that. Lastly to mention is the great harmonica/guitar jam sesh we had going on the last night of the trip, we need more of that musical bonding happening in our industry. alright well i could probably write a lot more, but oh well


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